The Maine, an American rock band from Tempe, Arizona, joined the lineup for Fall Out Boys "So Much For (Tour) Dust" Tour this year and boy did they bring the entertainment! They were truly an awesome performance, one that I feel many felt was powerful and engaging.

The lead vocalist, John O'Callaghan really gets involved with the audience even as far as going out to them, asking them to sing and dance with them! Which is what he did this night on tour. O'Callaghan called out a fan, asking him to dance, the audience member, a young man kept gesturing "no way" but he did not give up! O'Callaghan finally got him to sing and dance with him, bringing the biggest smile to not only that specific person but to everyone else in the crowd.
Going back to their performance... truly unmatched and unique. Their ensemble had the energy to bring the house down, with their three guitarists, and amazing drummer!
This performance is one for the books. Before this performance, I had not batted an eye at The Maine, they were good, but I didn't see that oomph that others saw. But that night... IT WAS CLEAR, they are a force to be reckoned with!

Full Setlist Below:
Slip the Noose
Dirty, Pretty, Beautiful
Black Butterflies and Déjà Vu
Thoughts I have while lying in bed
Girls Do What They Want (Brought fan on stage to sing)
Loved You a Little
Keep up with The Maine - CLICK HERE!!